5 April 2020 18:40
This text has been translated using machine translation. Possible incorrect translation.
Greece extended quarantine until April 27, 2020
Limited movement in the country.
The Greek authorities extended the regime of self-isolation and restrictions on movement within the country until April 27. This was announced on April 5 by the Deputy Minister for the Protection of Citizens Nikos Hardalias.
Experts associate the extension of restrictions with the upcoming Easter period. Greek church authorities decided to postpone even the festive service itself - from April 19 to May 27.
“At this time, the Greeks were accustomed to travel, for us it is the most fun and most important holiday,” said Dimitris Haritidis, managing director of TEZ TOUR Greece. “Therefore, during the Easter period, control will increase, more measures will be taken.”
The ban on all movement of citizens, except in cases of emergency, was introduced in Greece on March 23. It applies to flights, travel by car, as well as to walking, and the fine for violation of the regime is 150 euros. Since March 23, police have revealed more than 17 thousand violations throughout the country, fines of 2.6 million euros were imposed.
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