Advertising the site in Search Engines, Social networks, etc.

Site registration in search engines, various Catalogs. Creating an account for paid advertising of your site - Google Ads, Yandex.Direct and others. Advertising on social networks, etc. ...

Registration of a site and creation of an account for paid Advertising. ABCD Web Design - in Greece, in Athens

The advantages of paid advertising:
You immediately get the opportunity to declare yourself. Get visitors to your site. The target audience will know about your product or service.


( Total: 2: from 1 to 2 )


Advertising in Google Ads (AdWords) - Creating an account

Advertising in Google Ads (AdWords) - Creating an account
  •  - Price: 30 €
  •  - with Discount! 20,00 €
  •  - Region / City: INTERNET
  •  - Skype: natalia22778

Creating an account in Google Ads (AdWords) for paid advertising your site. We create an account on Google Ads to manage your site’s advertising campaign. When you create an account, an announcement of your business, product or any other service is immediately created with a...



Advertising on Yandex Direct - Creating an account

Advertising on Yandex Direct - Creating an account
  •  - Price: 30 €
  •  - with Discount! 20,00 €
  •  - Region / City: INTERNET
  •  - Skype: natalia22778

Creating an account in Yandex.Direct for paid advertising your site. We create an account on Yandex.Direct to manage your site’s advertising campaign. When you create an account, an announcement of your business, product or any other service is immediately created with a link to...


HELPFUL Advertising

The site is in the stage
of filling with content
are Accepted
Видеосъемка в Греции от «R.I.A.L.L. tv studio» в Афинах
< July 2024
Min: 2022-Jul. Max: 2023-Jul.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
July 2024


27 Dec 2020

Selection 6. Paintings - Still lifes. Artist Natalia

Still lifes. Artist Natalia - 1. (All interesting on the site - ABCD Web Design)

We continue the publication of paintings by artist Natalia. Paintings - Still lifes. A note on the site "ABCD Web Design" - from: Alice


5 Apr 2020

Greece extended quarantine until April 27, 2020

Greece extended quarantine until April 27, 2020

Limited movement in the country. The Greek authorities extended the regime of self-isolation and restrictions on movement within the country until...


2 Feb 2020

Painting on the Bible theme. Artist Natalia

Painting on the Bible theme. Artist Natalia.

Painting on the Bible theme. Artist Natalia. I like this artist and her paintings. They are beautiful, harmonious, realistic. In the future I will...
