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order website - Start Professional

Admin panel, page - Menu
Admin panel, page - Menu
  •  - Price: 200,00 €
  •  - Region / City: INTERNET
  •  - Skype: natalia22778


Before you decide whether this site suits you or make an order. You can TRY THE SITE completely FREE (with the full features of your future site). It does not oblige you to anything! See HERE for details.

The site is prepared and loaded within 7 days.
(Provided you provide all the necessary data on time).

site features:

  • creation of the Menu, Articles, News, Gallery, Advertising.
  • loading Images, adding Video. Slider-Top.
  • menu type FAQ – adding questions and answers.
  • file creation - Sitemap.xml.
  • view copies of Letters, sent from the contact form to your email.
  • all this you add Yourself and in Unlimited Quantities.
  • We give you a website. You fill the site with content.
  • We teach you to work with the site. And in the future we provide ongoing assistance.

Additional Free:

  • Logo creation (not of great complexity).*
  • At your request, we change (once) the color scheme of the site. On the color that you give us.*
  • Registration in search engines – Yandex (, Google (, Liveinternet (, Bing ( - after filling the site with content.
    You need: you create new mailboxes (e-mail) on Yandex and Google and provide us with a Username and Password for them, (as everything will be made out on you). If you do not know how to create an e-mail, we will help you.

* After approval of all data, any changes are paid.

Additional expenses:

  • Registration of the Domain Name on You, almost in any zones - .ru, .com, .gr, net and many others – from 8 € to 15 € (annually). Price depends on the domain zone.
    If you have a domain name, we can connect it to the site. If you have his technical data.
  • Protection of your registration data (Privacy Protection) in WhoIs – 5 € (annually).
    Since the beginning of June 2018, this function is not mandatory (but desirable).
  • SSL-certificate - this is a digital signature of the site, which is necessary for the operation of the secure data transfer protocol on the network. Purchased once and for all - 30 € (Single payment). Price may vary. Depending on the conditions of the service provider.
  • Placement of the site on our hosting – 20 € (annually).
    Or if you want, you can provide another Hosting Provider that you know and want, the price accordingly will be that of the provider.

For payment through the Internet you will need to Bank Card or PayPal account.

Any hosting provider has rare malfunctions. This is often associated with upgrading server software. We are not responsible for their work! We must warn you. Since we are for honest and open information.

If you have any other questions. You can ask us via the form on the Contact page or contact us by Skype: natalia22778

Видеосъемка в Греции от «R.I.A.L.L. tv studio» в Афинах
< March 2025
Min: 2022-Jul. Max: 2023-Jul.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
March 2025


27 Dec 2020

Selection 6. Paintings - Still lifes. Artist Natalia

Still lifes. Artist Natalia - 1. (All interesting on the site - ABCD Web Design)

We continue the publication of paintings by artist Natalia. Paintings - Still lifes. A note on the site "ABCD Web Design" - from: Alice


5 Apr 2020

Greece extended quarantine until April 27, 2020

Greece extended quarantine until April 27, 2020

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2 Feb 2020

Painting on the Bible theme. Artist Natalia

Painting on the Bible theme. Artist Natalia.

Painting on the Bible theme. Artist Natalia. I like this artist and her paintings. They are beautiful, harmonious, realistic. In the future I will...
