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All the most Interesting and Useful on the site - ABCD Web Design
In this section, collected all the most Interesting and Useful.
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All interesting and useful on the site ABCD Web Design - in Greece, in Athens
10 Feb 2019
Physics Explained why TIME flows Faster with age
Why in childhood it seems that the year lasted longer than when we matured? Physicists came to the conclusion that the sense of time depends on our age, occupations and hours that we devote to sleep and rest. A scientist from Duke University (USA) Adrian Bejan studied the...
7 Feb 2019
February 7 - the birthday of Odessa. This day in History
Text not yet translated to this language 7 февраля 1795 года порт Хаджибей на Черном море был переименован в Одессу. «Крестной матерью» Одессы была Екатерина Великая, и «крестница» никогда ее не разочаровала: постепенно город стал четверым по величине в Российской империи....
7 Feb 2019
Actors Brothers - known in the Soviet Union
A selection of famous artists who had brothers, as well as actors. 1. Oleg and Lev Borisov. Oleg Borisov (real name Albert), elder brother. He was the first to act in movies. Naturally, his share of more fame. However Lev Borisov, the younger brother was a success in the...
4 Feb 2019
Cakes - Flowers, Angels, Heart. Friends in ok
Cakes - Flowers, Angels, Heart. A selection of Interesting Design. Friends in ok. I love sweets, especially cakes. Therefore, I decided to make a selection of cakes I liked with an interesting design. I hope the authors will not be against this publication of their products. All...
1 Feb 2019
The service for generating excuses
Yesterday, surfing the Internet, looking for information on the topic I needed. Accidentally stumbled upon an interesting and fun service: "Service Generation Excuses (Cop Out Generation Service)". Interesting and captures your attention. Of course it takes time to empty, but as...